Physical Therapy and Cesar Kinetics Therapy

What to expect

Do you have complaints of joints or muscles? In search for a diagnosis? Do you need a program to relax muscles, optimize the mobility in your joints, and strengthen your core and posture? These are just examples of many possibilities. I’d be happy to do my best for you and find a treatment fitted for you!

Therapy is normally provided on an individual basis at the practice or at your location. Each treatment lasts approximately 60, 45 or 30 minutes, regarding your wishes and needs.

Examples of treatable conditions:  

 •  Back problems: ischias, pelvic pain, spit, scoliosis, lower back pain, artrosis / stenosis, hernia; pain, numbness and radiation in de glute and/or leg  >>

•  Shoulder complaints: tendinitis, rehabilitation after shoulder luxation or surgery, neck-shoulder pain >>

•  Neck problems: neck pain and headaches, hernia; numbness and radiation in the arm and/or hand >>
•  Knee, hip and foot complaints >>

•  Breathing problems and stress

•  COPD and covid related breathing problems

•  Sleep problems >>

•  Workplace ergonomics


The initial sessions starts with an evaluation regarding ailments. This is followed by an exam that assesses and analyzes your posture, the functionality of joints, and how they are related to the cause of complaints. In addition, you will obtain knowledge of how the body reacts to pain, misalignment, and stress. 

After the initial evaluation you will receive a personalized exercise program to relieve symptoms, restore function and correct posture. You will be empowered to self-treat and to put everything learned into daily practice at work, or while practicing hobbies or sports – for overall optimal functionality.


Massage is a great method to relieve pain and discomfort. I provide different types of massage like trigger point massage and myofasciale release to relax specific muscles.

Exercises and posture
I am are focused on how you can self-treat by designing an individualized treatment plan, which guides and provides exercises based on initial exam results. These exercises do not only alleviate symptoms; they are ultimately developed to realign posture to resolve the root cause of the problem in order to prevent recurring complaints. It is not needed to keep doing exercises for the rest of your life. The goal is to get you complaint-free, in order for you to do what you want to do.

Manual therapy and mobilization

Besides massage or exercises I use the mobilization techniques for better joint movement from my post-education at The Dutch Academy of Orthopaedic Medicine (Cyriax)®. These techniques enable me, for example, to reduce stiffness in the upper and lower back and neck, shoulder. hip, knee, elbow and foot.