Low back, pelvis, coccygodynia (tailbone) & scoliosis

Most people experience low back pain or pelvic pain in some times in their life. Also complaints of the leg or glute like pain, motor loss or numbness can occur. For the best treatment it is important to find the source of the pain. Is there a problem with a vertebra, disc or nerve, in example artrosis, stenosis, hernia, bulging disc? Did a fall on the coccyx (tailbone) occur? How is the pelvic posture? Are overtensed muscles or ligaments involved? What movement or postures are making the complaints better or worse? Manual techniques can improve the mobility of the vertebrae, pelvis or coccyx or space for the nerve can be restored. With exercise, posture training and massage muscles can be used in a better balance.

A scoliosis is a curve in the spine. It develops most often during puberty or because of a difference in limb length discrepancy. The scoliosis can me flexible or rigid. Because of the scoliosis ribs can get overpressured, or alongside the spine pain can occurs when muscles are used when overstretched. It is of the most importance of training posture and muscles to correct the spine and advert stretching ‘into’ the curve even more. When a major scoliosis is still worsening, surgery can be considered. In other scoliosis training can be sufficient..